Friday, August 3, 2012

Public Service Announcement For the Intellectually Impared

I recently had a conversation with a very disappointing woman. She was aged somewhere on the far side of middle age. Salt & pepper complextion with a very matronly air. She initally struck me as an educated, pleasant, and reasonable human being.

With others, we were having an entertaining talk for about 20 minutes. It was slightly more politically-charged than I generally preffer, but fuck it. Its hard to find good conversationalists. Then this woman dropped a gigantic atom bomb right on the whole experience. She started a passionate trirade on her suspicion, distrust, and flat-out hatred of all persons of middle eastern descent. The "Hadji" as she liked to put it.

I was absolutely floored. What the hell is going on with this woman's head? Maybe I expected too much from this person. Yet another hope for humanity has been tarnished by one more fear-driven, FOX News-brainwashed waste of genetic resources.

When did this sort of behavior become acceptable? Was it because of the war "Dubbya" started? Did that give us the a-ok to be ignorant, bigotted cock holsters? Here's your reality check from your generally disgruntled pal: It is not ok. This has never been acceptable behavior. Never has been.

What gives me the right to judge, you ask? Because both my old man and I were a part of that war I mentioned earlier. (The one "Dubbya" started) Hell, I've been twice. If two generations of my family's men can go to war against these "Hadji" and walk away without your unreasoned hatred, then fuck you; you can't either.

Bigotry is born of fear. Fear is easy. Fuck you and your fear. Animals feel fear; only a thinking, reasoning human being can overcome and rise above their fears. Which one are you going to be? Go ahead, I fucking dare you. Stop judging an entire group based on your terror-fueled caricature of that group's minority. Take back your brain and start using it. Senseless hatred will be the death of us all.

Before I close, if anyone really picks apart this post they could easily claim that I myself am biggoted and prejudiced. They would be absolutely correct. I'm prejudiced against other bigots. Because you people scare the fucking shit out of me.

As always, that's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked.