Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stupid People and their Pets

I like animals. Not quite in that PETA, throwing blood at people sort of way, but I like animals. Their stupidity is alot easier to tolerate than that of my own species for a few reasons.

1) Alot of the animals I come into contact with tend to be cute and furry. (Humans can be furry too but it tends to be less cute and more creepy in a back-hair sort of way.)
2) Animals aren't self-aware like humans are. Animals don't have the brain capacity to understand the things they do. (Ignorance doesn't tend to be cute, but they make up for it by being fluffy.)
3)It's hard to be pissed off at anything that doesn't have opposable thumbs.

The entire point of this is a post is something I witnessed a few days ago when I'd been out. I was walking around minding my own buisness when I saw a pair of women walking around with their dogs. Great big, very furry dogs with muzzles on their heads. I generally don't care for the practise of muzzling dogs. I feel it's distrustful of a being who's sole purpose in life is to be a loyal companion and there is no way the dog can enjoy this.

My ethical problems with muzzling aside, I live in Hawaii. It gets really fucking hot here, and these dogs had very full coats with their only means of regulating their body tempratures inconvieniently tied shut. What the fucking hell!? Did these women not realize that poochy could die of heast exhaustion? Did someone not tell them in between bouts of pooping out children that dogs need to pant to keep their bodies functioning? Christ, I knew that when I was a kid.

I very clearly remember asking my mother about it when I was but a wailing crib-midget. "Gee, ma, why do dogs pant so much?" In her particularly motherly way she told me, "That's the way dogs sweat, Luke" I admit that it wasn't until several years later that I learned that humans, like dogs, need to regulate our internal temperatures or we die - unpleasantly. My upbringing wan't unusual. These are things that everyone knows. What on earth is the excuse of these mindlessly jogging, dog torturing harpies?

And these women were pushing strollers with them too! Sweet Posideon's flaming nipples! People stupid enough to mistreat an animal that depends on it's human masters to survive shouldn't be allowed to breed! I dunno, man. It's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked.

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