Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pleasant Surpise

This post was going to be reserved for a really scathing update about the evil, hate/fear/war mongering that is FOX "News". Instead, I'm watching Barrack Obama's victory speech. In my typical cynicism I was assuming that the fearful and ignorant masses would give in and elect Mitt Romney of the Republican party. For once I will admit that I was wrong and I called you all wrong. Thankyou. It does me good to see that the wonderful country that I live in and have risked my life for has life left in it. That my people still have reason left. That they have the drive and sense to say, "We can be better. We can rise above fear."

Thank you, America. Thank you. You've done me proud.

If you don't like it, get fucked.

P.S. Fear not, I'll go back to being pissed off later.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Public Service Announcement For the Intellectually Impared

I recently had a conversation with a very disappointing woman. She was aged somewhere on the far side of middle age. Salt & pepper complextion with a very matronly air. She initally struck me as an educated, pleasant, and reasonable human being.

With others, we were having an entertaining talk for about 20 minutes. It was slightly more politically-charged than I generally preffer, but fuck it. Its hard to find good conversationalists. Then this woman dropped a gigantic atom bomb right on the whole experience. She started a passionate trirade on her suspicion, distrust, and flat-out hatred of all persons of middle eastern descent. The "Hadji" as she liked to put it.

I was absolutely floored. What the hell is going on with this woman's head? Maybe I expected too much from this person. Yet another hope for humanity has been tarnished by one more fear-driven, FOX News-brainwashed waste of genetic resources.

When did this sort of behavior become acceptable? Was it because of the war "Dubbya" started? Did that give us the a-ok to be ignorant, bigotted cock holsters? Here's your reality check from your generally disgruntled pal: It is not ok. This has never been acceptable behavior. Never has been.

What gives me the right to judge, you ask? Because both my old man and I were a part of that war I mentioned earlier. (The one "Dubbya" started) Hell, I've been twice. If two generations of my family's men can go to war against these "Hadji" and walk away without your unreasoned hatred, then fuck you; you can't either.

Bigotry is born of fear. Fear is easy. Fuck you and your fear. Animals feel fear; only a thinking, reasoning human being can overcome and rise above their fears. Which one are you going to be? Go ahead, I fucking dare you. Stop judging an entire group based on your terror-fueled caricature of that group's minority. Take back your brain and start using it. Senseless hatred will be the death of us all.

Before I close, if anyone really picks apart this post they could easily claim that I myself am biggoted and prejudiced. They would be absolutely correct. I'm prejudiced against other bigots. Because you people scare the fucking shit out of me.

As always, that's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Homework for the masses

This morning I tried really hard to come up with something to be disgruntled about. I nearly wrote a scathing critisism about social media that failed to congeal into anything entertaining. In an attempt to sate my own ego, I'm going to give you all a homework assignment to help spread my message of dissatisfaction to the population at large.

Step 1: Go find someone.
Someone, anyone. It doesn't even have to be someone you know. I don't care if its the annoying over-weight WASP baby-factory standing in front of you at Starbucks who's taking forever to order a venti mocha-frappe bullshit with low-fat chocolate chunks. The nearest convinient human being will do.

Step 2: Introduce yourself.
This step is pretty simple. Take a deep breath, focus on not diluting your thought process with thoughts of the latest celebrity break-ups, try really hard to remember your own name, and inform your subject of who they're dealing with.

Step 3: Deliver the reality-check they so richly deserve.
This is the step that really counts; I encourage you to get creative with this one. My favorite is to remind people that their failings are their own responsibility. Remind them that if they could find it in themselves to stop letting television raise their children, or spend a little less time fretting over  who [Random Starlet] is fucking this week; they might acctually be able to make some sort of positive impact on their lives. Go ahead an pour it on. It feels great and its a great way to kill time.

Step 4: Tell them Generally Disgruntled sent you.
This step is mostly for my own gratification. Its not entirely necessary, but I'd sure appreciate it. If they have any sort of half-contrived rebuttal; just give them my url. ( http://generallydisgruntled.blogspot.com/) I'll happily take the heat for you. Your welcome.

Step 5: Thank them for their time.
It costs nothing to be polite.

Step 6: Walk away with the satisfaction of a job well done.
Go ahead an enjoy the afterglow. You earned it.

Now the ball's in your court. You may choose to ignore this assignment all together; as is your right to do so. That being the case you might've found my blog on accident. That being so, you might find this a bit more your speed. (http://www.celebritypop.com/2012/06/15/jessica-simpsons-struggling-to-lose-weight-cant-lose-a-pound/)

If you decide to take on the mantle of international truth-saying sex symbol; congratulations! You're taking your first steps into a better world and I hope you get laid for it. Once you've completed your quest, please tell me about your achievement in the comments below.

There are alot of fish in the sea. Most of them are idiots and need to be reminded of such. That's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Red Light, Green Light


Stop. For decency's sake just stop. Stop hating eachother; stop tearing eachother down. Stop hurting eachother; stop killing eachother. Stop worrying more about your credit scores than your children. Stop beating your wives. Stop staring down your noses at the poor; stop bitching about the rich. That and so many more things. Just stop.

Stop being the largest swarm of asshats walking the planet, and start trying to make the world a better place. It really doesn't take much, people. Sure, the world's a fucked up place. Life isn't fair. Shut up and deal with it.

Don't look at me like that. No, I don't have all the answers. In truth, I'm just as fucked up to other people as you are. What I do have, what we all have, is options. What we do every single day is what defines us. The things we do affect the world around us. If you at least try to do the decent thing every once in a while, it'll help.

So stop being a bunch of self-entitled morons. Make an effort to be worth the sperm the postman globbed into your mother. And try to read a book every once in a while, you ignorant, junior-varsity cum-muffins.

That's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it; get fucked.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stupid People and their Pets

I like animals. Not quite in that PETA, throwing blood at people sort of way, but I like animals. Their stupidity is alot easier to tolerate than that of my own species for a few reasons.

1) Alot of the animals I come into contact with tend to be cute and furry. (Humans can be furry too but it tends to be less cute and more creepy in a back-hair sort of way.)
2) Animals aren't self-aware like humans are. Animals don't have the brain capacity to understand the things they do. (Ignorance doesn't tend to be cute, but they make up for it by being fluffy.)
3)It's hard to be pissed off at anything that doesn't have opposable thumbs.

The entire point of this is a post is something I witnessed a few days ago when I'd been out. I was walking around minding my own buisness when I saw a pair of women walking around with their dogs. Great big, very furry dogs with muzzles on their heads. I generally don't care for the practise of muzzling dogs. I feel it's distrustful of a being who's sole purpose in life is to be a loyal companion and there is no way the dog can enjoy this.

My ethical problems with muzzling aside, I live in Hawaii. It gets really fucking hot here, and these dogs had very full coats with their only means of regulating their body tempratures inconvieniently tied shut. What the fucking hell!? Did these women not realize that poochy could die of heast exhaustion? Did someone not tell them in between bouts of pooping out children that dogs need to pant to keep their bodies functioning? Christ, I knew that when I was a kid.

I very clearly remember asking my mother about it when I was but a wailing crib-midget. "Gee, ma, why do dogs pant so much?" In her particularly motherly way she told me, "That's the way dogs sweat, Luke" I admit that it wasn't until several years later that I learned that humans, like dogs, need to regulate our internal temperatures or we die - unpleasantly. My upbringing wan't unusual. These are things that everyone knows. What on earth is the excuse of these mindlessly jogging, dog torturing harpies?

And these women were pushing strollers with them too! Sweet Posideon's flaming nipples! People stupid enough to mistreat an animal that depends on it's human masters to survive shouldn't be allowed to breed! I dunno, man. It's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Generally Disgruntled - A General List

Hello, my name is Luke. The name of my blog is fairly self-descriptive. There's a lot of stuff out there and I generally feel disgruntled about most of it. In the spirit of being general, here is a broad list:

Long Lines at Movie Theaters
Ugly Babies
The Economy
The Military-Industial Complex
Bad Drivers
Parking Tickets
Killer Bees
Reality Television
Flesh-Eating Diseases
and Antidisestablishmentarianism (I assure you this one really is a word.)

On the more specific front, I'd like to begin my blogging career to rant about the service industry.

The thing about the service industry that's most recently ground my gears is forced courtesy. Everyone's been party to this phenomenon. Earlier today I went out and bought a hamburger and fries. The pleasant lady at the counter thanked me. Incessantly.

She thanked me when I handed her my credit card. Why?! It's not like she's getting any of it. I didn't even hand her any real cash, so she can't even pretend it's hers. Then she thanked me when she came back with my food. Isn't it my responsibility at that point? What the hell is she getting out of this. Excluding a few more grease stains, nothing. I'm the guy getting all the food. What the hell?

The whole problem is this forced courtesy thing that seems to plague our places of business. Anyone who's ever worked at one of these god-awful jobs should be familiar with it. "Be polite to the customers or else you're fired!" So what are you supposed to do if the customer doesn't merit politeness?

I've worked those jobs and I'm here to tell you that the customer is not always right. The customer is always retarded. That's the way it should be. The customer doesn't work there. They don't know the score. You're the one with the power, goddammit, the customer should be the one compelled to be polite to you.

For instance: I used to work at [Generic Retail Emporium] several years ago. It was an alright job. Or at least it would've been alright if it hadn't been for all those genetic defectives that constantly came to my counter to ask me questions.

"Do you know if that new movie/game/CD/dildo has come out yet?" Lady, there's an 8 foot sign outside the front door proclaiming that we have your movie/dildo. Then the customer would try something smart. "I didn't see any on the shelf, do you have any in stock?" Look, these kinds of places don't have a magical portal leading to a magical land filled with whateverthefuck it was they wanted. Besides, everyone working at these places is paid to keep those shelves stocked. If it isn't there, they don't have it. This person was circumspectly calling me a lazy fuckwit. What part of this person deserves praise? If you yell at your cat for sitting on the dinning table, what would you do if he insulted your intelligence and your work ethic?

I digress. This whole mandatory courtesy thing is just bunk. Being polite is easy. When you make it compulsory it just becomes a pain in the ass. Besides, it makes all of those smiles and greetings, and thankyou's cheap and disingenuous. If I walk into a store and they smile and such, I want to be comforted by the knowledge that they might actually be happy to see me. Maybe I'm looking particularly good that day. Instead  I'll never know and my mind will forever be tortured with insecurity because I know some dickhead is forcing this crap. Shame on them.

I digress some more. It would be really nice if we could all be free to treat people the way their actions and behavior warrants. Be polite to those who are the same, and treat assholes like assholes. If they don't like being treated like assholes, maybe they should change their attitudes. Anyway, it would be great if we could meet each other halfway and cut this forced courtesy crap. That's just the way I feel about it. If you don't like it, get fucked. (Or you could check out Nameless Cynic's blog. I hear he's got a lot more patience for the touchy-feely crowd.)