Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pleasant Surpise

This post was going to be reserved for a really scathing update about the evil, hate/fear/war mongering that is FOX "News". Instead, I'm watching Barrack Obama's victory speech. In my typical cynicism I was assuming that the fearful and ignorant masses would give in and elect Mitt Romney of the Republican party. For once I will admit that I was wrong and I called you all wrong. Thankyou. It does me good to see that the wonderful country that I live in and have risked my life for has life left in it. That my people still have reason left. That they have the drive and sense to say, "We can be better. We can rise above fear."

Thank you, America. Thank you. You've done me proud.

If you don't like it, get fucked.

P.S. Fear not, I'll go back to being pissed off later.

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